Is PopupAlly A Good LeadPages Alternative WordPress Plugin… Or Do You Need Both?

Feeling overwhelmed by optin options for your landing pages?

I hear you.

There’s a lot of noise and almost too many choices in terms of landing page solutions… and of course, a lot of them like to claim to be the best option out there.

Because of this, we’ve had a lot of great conversations with other entrepreneurs about what it means to craft a landing page…and what type of tool you might want to look at to make your job easier.

One conversation, in particular, stands out pretty clear, when one of our clients shared that “I’m having a hard time understanding the difference between PopupAlly and LeadPages…Should you use both, or is just one enough?

And that’s a great question.

Because while PopupAlly Pro gives you the power to create opt-in forms (in addition to popups) anywhere on your site, LeadPages is a great one-stop-shop when it comes to easily build landing pages that convert.

So, is it a good idea to use PopupAlly Pro as a LeadPages alternative WordPress plugin… or should you use both?

The Benefit Of Stand Alone Landing Pages VS Popups

Popups are a powerful way to build an email list quickly … and get people really excited about your stuff. They help to provide that positive first impression on your visitors.

Landing pages, on the other hand, provide a more in-depth experience – a chance to “funnel” your visitor towards a very specific call to action.

In other words, you have a chance to turn those visitors into actual, paying customers with your landing pages.

Landing Page Creation Can Be Pretty Tricky, Though…

…Because it’s all about the psychology of what’s going to prompt someone to invest in your offer.

The overall design and flow make as much of an impact here as the content you’ve written for the page… which can be a bit daunting, especially if you’re not overly confident in your design or writing skills.

The good thing about landing page psychology, though, is that a lot of other people have already done the research for you. There’s already a ton of info out there about what works and what doesn’t. You just have to apply it to your own website.

LeadPages: Rocking The Templates

For most website owners, LeadPages has recently come to be used almost synonymously with “great landing pages.” One of the main reasons is because of their amazing templates.

Not only do they offer a super wide range of templates for you to choose from when building your own landing pages, but they also make it ridiculously easy to plug in your own content, images, colors, and fonts.

The finished result can be indistinguishable from your own website pages.

And, since LeadPages shares how well each landing page template tends to convert, you get a little boost towards estimating how your own clients will like it.

But The Biggest Thing Is The Integration

When it comes right down to it, though, the most important thing about LeadPages is that it can integrate with your CRM, so anyone who opts into your offers will be automatically added to your list.

With All This Talk…Why Would You Want To Look For A LeadPages Alternative WordPress Plugin?

LeadPages is a phenomenal tool…but there’s also a strong case for finding a sort of LeadPages alternative WordPress plugin, like PopupAlly Pro.

Because essentially, all landing pages are built with the same three components:

  • Strong content
  • A great design
  • A Call To Action (Opt-In Button/Form)

Those three components can be easily satisfied with your own WordPress site … and PopupAlly Pro.

How To Use PopupAlly Pro To Create Landing Pages

Since PopupAlly Pro allows you to collect emails and funnel them straight to your email marketing system, it works pretty powerfully as a CTA… and can be added to any page on your website, giving you a ton of flexibility.

There’s a lot of entrepreneurs who have never used an opt-in plugin this way … so we created a video to illustrate what goes into the process:

Easy, right!?

PopupAlly Pro: More Than Your Standard Opt-In

The other strength of PopupAlly Pro, of course, is that it isn’t limited to landing page CTAs.

It’s also an exit-intent popup, a scroll-based popup, an embedded opt-in that can be used on your sidebar…or really anywhere you’d like to put it.

The pure versatility makes it a powerful tool that sits nicely in any online business owner or blogger’s toolbox.

But We Prefer To Use A Combination Of The Two

And now we come right down to it: There’s no right or wrong answer here whether you’re looking for a LeadPages alternative WordPress plugin or one that works alongside it.

At AccessAlly, we use a combination of LeadPages and PopupAlly Pro to get the results we’re looking for.

Because sometimes, it’s nice to rely on the powerful designs of LeadPages, and spend less time trying to reinvent the wheel (or re-writing code) every time we need a new, in-depth landing page.

But on the flip side, sometimes it’s just easier to flex our own design muscles to create the very specific landing page we need, using PopupAlly to collect the email addresses.

It really depends on what we’re looking for and have time for in each of our projects.

Which Landing Page Tool Do You Use?

LeadPages and PopupAlly Pro are our go-to landing page tools … but I’d like to know what you’ve been using for your own website. Share in the comments below!