Create truly customized popups and Opt-Ins within minutes
PopupAlly Pro comes with everything you need to double your opt-ins.

Quick Installation & Stunning Drag-and-Drop Design
You have control over every design element, down to the pixel.
In fact, there’s a full set of design controls for each and every element.
That way, you’re sure to create opt-ins that look like they’re a legitimate part of your website design because they are!
Using the easy, point-and-click pallet selector (or your own hex codes) you control background colors, font colors, and button colors. You even control the color and translucency of the background screen fade.
Use our easy image uploader to add your logo, photo, or other graphic. (Don’t want an image? No worries, it’s completely your choice!)
Wield full control over fonts wherever they appear: in the headline, main text, button, form fields, and the privacy statement. Choose the font type, font color, font size, font weight, line height, text alignment, and even the margin height.
Font Fields
Fine-tune your form by controlling font type, font color, font size, font weight, cell padding-top & bottom, line height, the width of the field, and text alignment. (Whew!) You can also control what the fields say and whether or not the “name” field is displayed.
Make sure your button looks like it actually belongs on your website. Use the design controls to control the button color, all of the font features, and where the text is displayed.
Size and Spacing
You can control every element’s size, padding, and location in your opt-ins and popups. That means it always looks polished, and scaled to size on mobile and desktop, too.
With PopupAlly Pro you’ve got a generous quantity of new templates to choose from, and they’re all customizable like never before. We’ve got some horizontal opt-in options, sidebar opt-ins, below-the-post opt-ins, as well as some new original ways to create a popup.
Delight Your Readers by Anticipating Their Every Need
Let’s get down to brass tacks…here’s what you get with PopupAlly…
Use these Function Controls to deliver a polite, high-value experience while taking advantage of the most powerful list-building tactic there is!
Exit Intention
PopupAlly knows when your guests are about to leave your website. Using the exit-intent function gives you the power to offer useful follow-up information so your guests get the answers they need. That could be an ebook to help them in their decision-making process, a worksheet, or a useful guide.
Using the exit-intent feature means you’re providing top-shelf service while smartly promoting your business by staying top-of-mind after your guest is gone.
Embedded Sign Up Form
This feature is one of our most powerful because it makes PopupAlly much more than a popup. Create your own custom “Marie Forleo style” horizontal opt-in for the top of your site or the end of your blog posts, without installing a confusing pile of other plugins or wrestling with code.
You can also embed a form anywhere in your website’s template, or add it to your sidebar or other widgetized area of your site.
Scroll Activation
Scroll activation gives you the power to politely offer guests relevant information when they reach the end of a page, article, or blog post. Use the scroll activation feature to anticipate your guest’s information need, and then politely satisfy it. What would guests want to know, after they’ve read your content? Scroll activation lets you answer that. Five-star service, all the way.
Click-Based Activation
The click-based feature gives you precision control. This style of popup is activated only when guests click on a specific link. This function gives you the power to deliver the information guests need, but only after they’ve demonstrated a clear interest in the subject by clicking on a related link. If they don’t demonstrate an interest, they won’t see a thing. How polite is that?
Time-Delay Features Offering
The time-delay feature lets you control the timing of your premium, must-have offers. This function is much like getting a free sample of coffee or tea, after you’ve been inside Starbucks a while. You’re not assaulted at the door. Instead, you’re in the store a while, you’re feeling cozy & comfortable, then you’re given the opportunity to learn more about a new and delicious item.
Thank You Page Confirmation
This feature is key to being respectful to your website guests. With just a few clicks, you can easily configure the thank-you page readers see after they sign up. That way, once guests sign up, they won’t see your popup again.
Smart Subscriber Recognition
This is the PopupAlly Pro “polite difference”. No other popup plugin for WordPress or any other platform has is the ability.
It works like this: most popup plugins rely on cookies to stop future popups from showing up once someone joins your list.
But what happens if you’re going to the website on a new computer or from your phone?
Most of the time people return to your website through a link in your newsletter… so you know they’re already subscribed.
PopupAlly Pro allows you to prevent future popups when someone clicks on a link from your newsletter. Easy, and non-intrusive to your most loyal fans!
Page Specific Opt-Ins
You have the ability to target different opt-ins on different pages of your website or blog.
If you have different opt-ins or even just different opt-in headlines for each of your major blog post categories, you’ll get even more people to opt-in.
Bonus Opt-in Training
Nathalie’s a list building pro and has put together supporting training videos, PDF guides, and tutorials to really help you make the most of your new list building tool.
You’ll learn what top marketers are doing to double their email lists using a combination of embedded opt-ins and popups.
Support for Multiple Languages
With PopupAlly pro you can rename any of the fields, and change the text in the buttons to your heart’s content.
What PopupAlly Pro Customers Are Saying...

"It Let me create a gorgeous popup
“I just installed my first popup on my site. I decided to use Nathalie Lussier’s new plugin, PopupAlly. I really love how it’s set up. It let me create a gorgeous popup with just a few clicks, which is HUGE for me!” -Stephanie S.

"Incredibly powerful popup plugin
“I must say that this is an incredibly powerful plug-in. I like it so much that I ditched my other email plug-in. Yours is just so customizable it’s ridiculous.”
-Mark Struczewski

"I've been through dozens of popup plugins
I’ve been through dozens of pop-up plugins and PopupAlly is the only one which has the flexibility and functionality that I am looking for.”
-Andrew S.

It's Not Just For Popups... Build All These Different Types Of Opt-Ins

Lightbox Popups: Click to open, exit-intent, you control when it shows up.

Scroll Triggered: Show a popup form anywhere on a site after someone has scrolled past a certain section.

Customizable Contact Forms: add any number of custom fields, and get the responses via email.

Below The Blog: Embed an opt-in after each post, or create entire landing pages.

Embedded Sidebar: Easily split test your sidebar opt-ins.

Embedded Horizontal Optin: Want a gorgeous horizontal opt-in box bellow your header? PopupAlly can do that.

Fixed or Floating Top Bar: Highlight a blog post or ask for the opt-in at the top of any page.

Fixed or Floating Footer Bar: Show a special opt-in offer at the bottom of your pages.

Mini Surveys: Show the right opt-in by asking people what they’re interested in, first.
Here's just a sample of the templates that come with PopupAlly Pro...
Ever wanted to design a truly “out-of-the-box” opt-in or popup? With PopupAlly, you can create pop-up contact forms, circular popups (or any shape you can think of!), and even transparent popup forms.
Here are some examples, which are already built into the plugin and ready to go…
These are just a few of the designs that come with PopupAlly out of the box. You can easily create ANYTHING you can imagine with our ultra-customizable fluid template builder!