You want your website to work hard for your business.
You put time, money and lots of TLC into creating a website that is a perfect reflection of you and your business.
You’ve refined your branding and messaging to perfectly speak to your ideal clients, and your countless hours of creating content and marketing your business on social media are starting to pay off. You’re seeing an increase in traffic and doing a happy dance at your desk! Yay!
But what about when you’re not at your computer?
After all that work you put into it, you want to know that your website is acting as your voice online, getting out information about your company and bringing in customers even while you aren’t actually sitting at your desk.
To make your website work overtime, you need the right software.
A WordPress click popup is one of the best tools you can use as an entrepreneur to get the most out of your website around the clock.
Advantages of the WordPress Click Popup
With a well-designed popup, you can draw the attention of your visitors to the most important information on your site.
Whether you’re promoting a new online course, a sale in your store, or a fantastic new ebook you’ve written, a click-based popup can let your visitors know about it.
Using popups to capture your visitors’ email addresses and build your email list is extremely effective. In fact, popups are the #1 proven fastest list-building tactic!
The best part – WordPress click popups are easy to create and implement on your site. Just follow the simple instructions in our members area, and you’ll be ready to add a click-based popup to your website in a matter of minutes.
With a plugin like PopupAlly Pro, you don’t have to hire a designer or a developer to create stunning and effective popups for your site.
How to Make Click Based Popups Work for You
There are several ways that you can use the WordPress Click Popup to full advantage, making it work for you and drawing customer attention to the areas where you want them. These include:
An opt-in offer
Using a popup to present an opt-in offer (sometimes also called a lead magnet) is the fastest way to build your email list. Create something that your customers will love, like a free guide or mini-course, a free download, or a discount offer to entice your visitors to sign up.

While you can certainly include this information at the top of your website, often, returning customers won’t look too closely at what they perceive as being the same text that they always see. Instead, offer a popup that will contain all of the information that you most want your customers to have. Then, you’ll be sure that it’s flashing across their eyes for at least a moment.
If you’ve got an upcoming event or program that you want to gather interest for, use a popup to collect names and emails so that you can send them more information about the event. And when your event sells out, use a popup to get names for next time!

Highlight a product
Want to promote a new product you just launched? Or maybe you’re having a clearance sale on some older merchandise. Use a popup to show your readers the products they’re most likely to be interested in.
Offer promotion codes
Let your readers know how much you appreciate them by offering a promotion code to your store.
Preventing Readers From Hating Your Popups
Let’s face it: while there are many wonderful uses for popups, there are also websites that overuse them to the point of irritation for their users. In order to avoid those pitfalls, check out these tips:
Don’t have multiple popups on the same page
The more popups you have, the faster they’re going to annoy your reader. In addition, multiple popups will typically mean that readers click to close them as soon as they appear instead of taking the time to read the information that they’re designed to convey.
Keep the design neat and on-brand
A popup that looks like it was thrown together in someone’s basement in less than five minutes is one that screams “scam” to many internet-savvy readers. Instead of exposing them to this kind of content and running the risk that they will quickly leave your website, never to return, offer your readers a popup that is pleasing to the eye and designed to look professional.
Keep it short and simple
If you’re offering a popup that requires site visitors to fill out a form–for example, an email sign up or other registration–keep it as short as possible. The longer that form is, the less likely it is that your visitors will take the time to fill out the information.
This also applies to the message that you’re offering: reading a large amount of information in a popup will be frustrating to a visitor who just wants to return to the information they were originally seeking, while a short summary will keep their attention long enough to keep them reading.
Keep it relevant
Always be sure that you’re providing information that is relevant and valuable to your reader. Use your popups carefully to make sure that you’re reaching your customers, rather than turning them off.
Time it just right
There is no better way to get your readers to ignore your popups than to interrupt them while they’re reading your article or watching your video. Using an exit intent popup is the easiest way to time your popups just right to create a great customer experience, rather than an annoying one.
You can make the WordPress Click Pop-up work beautifully for you and your website, increasing your business and bringing in more subscribers to your email list. Used properly, popups can help share valuable information with your clients and keep your website working for you around the clock.
Used properly, popups can help share valuable information with your clients and keep your website working for you around the clock.
Let PopupAlly Pro help you balance between effectiveness and annoyance.
Our PopupAlly Pro plugin allows you to design mobile-friendly click popups for your business to prevent website abandonment, increase conversions and drive up your subscriptions.