Why go from the free PopupAlly to PopupAlly Pro?

We’ve had a ton of happy customers tell us they wished they knew about PopupAlly Pro before they bought the other plugin software they’ve been using. Here’s why…

Laptop with PopupAlly Pro and cellphone with a popup

How PopupAlly Pro Stacks Up

Compare the features of the free and premium versions of PopupAlly below, so you can see exactly why the Pro version will knock your socks off!

FeaturesPopupAlly Free VersionPopupAlly Pro
Number of opt-in forms and popups2Unlimited
Training and customer supportTutorialsWritten and video tutorials + one-on-one customer support
Mobile responsive opt-in forms & popups
Multiple popup and opt-in form templates
Exit-intention popup that only shows before they leave
Embedded opt-in forms below blog posts or the sidebar
Time-delayed popups
Scroll-activated box
Click to open popup
Floating or fixed horizontal opt-in bars
Drag-and-drop fully customizable design editor
Smart subscriber recognition for polite popups
Create popups of any shape, size, and design
Show different opt-ins on specific pages or post categories
Reader decision points & mini survey popups
Statistics tracking and split testing
Video popups & bonus marketing training
Customizable popup contact forms
Support multiple languages
Number of opt-in forms and popups 2 Unlimited
Training and customer support Tutorials Written and video tutorials + one-on-one customer support
Mobile responsive opt-in forms & popups    
Multiple popup and opt-in form templates    
Exit-Intention popup that shows only before they leave    
Embedded opt-in forms below blog posts or in the sidebar    
Time-delayed popups    
Scroll-activated box    
Click to open popup    
Floating or fixed horizantal opt-in bars    
Drag-and-drop fully customizable design editor    
Smart subscriber recognition for polite popups    
Create popups of any shape, size, and design    
Show different opt-ins on specific pages or post categories    
Reader decision points & mini survey popups    
Statistics tracking and split testing    
Video popups & bonus marketing training    
Customizable popup contact forms    
Support multiple languages    
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PopupAlly Pro Features


With PopupAlly Pro you’ve got a generous quantity of new templates to choose from, and they’re all customizable like never before.

We’ve got some horizontal opt-in options, sidebar opt-ins, below-the-post opt-ins, as well as some new original ways to create a popup.

Custom Fonts

PopupAlly Pro allows you to use any web font you like! If you can get it from Google Fonts, Typekit, or embed it in your WordPress back-end.

Then PopupAlly Pro will let you use it to design beautiful and fully customize opt-ins and popups.

Embedded Opt-In Placement

With the latest version of PopupAlly Pro, you’ve got the ability to add beautifully designed opt-ins anywhere on your website. Quite literally, you dream it, and we’ll help you do it in 5 minutes or less.

You can have a floating or static opt-in bar the top or bottom of your website. You can embed opt-ins in your sidebar, header, footer, inside blog posts or pages themselves, and within your theme anywhere you like. The possibilities are endless.


Want a round popup instead of the usual square ones? We’ve got you covered. Want to have an image float outside of the popup for maximum design effect? You got it with PopupAlly Pro!

With PopupAlly Pro, we took the customizable design feature of the free version to whole new heights. You have even more custom options: you control the layout, where images are placed, how many lines of text, and the position of the opt-in, too!

Controlled Timing

You have the same options as the free version, except you can also have Click-Based and Scroll Activation.

This means you can select to have a popup appear after someone has scrolled to a certain position on the page, or they can click a link, button, or image to open a popup. This added flexibility is especially useful on mobile devices.

Top of the line support

One-on-one email support is available only with PopupAlly Pro. You may even hear from Robin, the main developer of PopupAlly, himself. We also have a team of full-time support and we respond to support requests within 24 hours if not 60 minutes. 

We’ve also incorporated new features and ideas within days of hearing about them from our PopupAlly Pro customers.

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Exclusive Features You Get When Upgrading To PopupAlly Pro

Mini Survey Template

Many top web marketers use this feature because it leverages the power of choice and micro-commitments. Instead of forcing someone to opt-in from your popup, you can ask if they want what you’re offering first.

With this special type of popup or embedded opt-in, you can get someone to say yes before you ask them to join your email list… thus ensuring they’re more likely to follow through on the next page or popup.

Smart Subscriber Recognition

This is the PopupAlly Pro “polite difference”. No other popup plugin for WordPress or any other platform has is the ability.

It works like this: most popup plugins rely on cookies to stop future popups from showing up once someone joins your list.

But what happens if you’re going to the website on a new computer or from your phone?

Most of the time people return to your website through a link in your newsletter… so you know they’re already subscribed.

PopupAlly Pro allows you to prevent future popups when someone clicks on a link from your newsletter. Easy, and non-intrusive to your most loyal fans!

Page Specific Opt-Ins

With the Pro version, you have the ability to target different opt-ins on different pages of your website or blog.

If you have different opt-ins or even just different opt-in headlines for each of your major blog post categories, you’ll get even more people to opt-in.

Bonus Opt-in Training

Nathalie’s a list building pro and has put together supporting training videos, PDF guides, and tutorials to really help you make the most of your new list building tool.

You’ll learn what top marketers are doing to double their email lists using a combination of embedded opt-ins and popups.

Support for Multiple Languages

With PopupAlly pro you can rename any of the fields, and change the text in the buttons to your heart’s content.

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