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Get the HTML opt in code from ActiveCampaign in PopupAlly Pro

PopupAlly + ActiveCampaign work great together!

Inside ActiveCampaign, you’ll be able to create a new Form for each of the different opt-in offers that you want to create. For instance, you might have different popups or opt-in forms on your site (built with PopupAlly). For each popup, you will want to create a new, unique code.

This short tutorial will walk you through how to get the HTML opt in code from ActiveCampaign for your website opt-in. Then, add this code, directly into your PopupAlly settings in WordPress.

1. Create a new Form

How to create a new form in ActiveCampaign

Inside your ActiveCampaign account, go to: Site > Forms > Create a Form.

Select the Inline Form style and give the form a name.

You will also need to designate a list that the subscribers should be added to.

When you’re ready, click Create.

2. Set Up Form Fields & Thank You Page

In the form configuration area, go to Options > On Submit. Change the dropdown to Open URL. This URL should be the thank you page that you want your users to be redirected to.

How to configure a thank you page in ActiveCampaign

Note: Make sure all of your form fields are configured properly. (The design does not matter, since you’ll be using PopupAlly to create a fully branded opt in design).

3. Obtain the HTML code

Click on the blue Integrate button in the top right corner of the screen.

The code in the “Full Embed” text box is the form code needed by PopupAlly:

How to get the embed form code from ActiveCampaign

Important: If you’re not seeing the “Full embed” option in ActiveCampaign, please contact ActiveCampaign support.

5. Paste the code into your popup settings

Go to PopupAlly > Style Settings, open your desired popup. In “Send information to” dropdown select Email System with Opt-in Form.

Paste your HTML code in the “Sign Up HTML” section.

Add HTML embed code to your popup

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What systems does PopupAlly work with?

    PopupAlly is a WordPress popup plugin and it integrates with these email marketing systems:

    • ActiveCampaign
    • AWeber
    • MailChimp
    • Infusionsoft
    • Keap
    • ConvertKit
    • Ontraport
    • Mad Mimi
    • GetResponse

    PopupAlly is compatible with all email marketing tools that use custom HTML forms.

  • I'm not a technical person. Is PopupAlly user-friendly for us non-techy peeps?

    Absolutely! PopupAlly was created with you in mind: Our top priority is to combine ease of use with red carpet service to insure you grow your email list as quickly and as easily as possibly, using the most powerful list-building tool there is.

  • What if I install PopupAlly and something ‘breaks’ on my website?

    5-Star, Concierge Tech Support: We have a top-rated, dedicated, and responsive support team who are happy to help!

    Contact us here.

  • I need different popups, in different places, doing different things. Help!

    PopupAlly is perfect for you: Using the 6 Function Controls, and the 6 Power Features, you can create different popups for different areas of your website and have them be activated in different ways. And with the Priority Control Power Feature you can feel confident that your website guests won’t be bombarded with popups because you determine when (or if) readers see other popups elsewhere on your site. If you have multiple websites, you’re covered. You can install & use PopupAlly on all of them.

  • What if I follow best practices and still get complaints?

    Effective Marketing is a Screening Tool: Sometimes there’s just no pleasing folks. Even when we go to extremes. Nathalie once experienced this very thing when a reader signed up at Real Foods Witch, consumed the free content, and then complained that the site’s “Witch” motif was religiously offensive. Go figure! We’ve all been there. Just remember this, when people complain, they’re usually not your ideal customer. But when they’re paying attention (the kind of customer we want!), they’ll likely see you’re doing your best to give them the relevant information they need, when they need it.

  • I still get popups for newsletters & email lists I'm already signed up for! Yikes!

    Smart Subscriber Recognition to the Rescue: Our Smart Subscriber Recognition power feature is a unique solution to this wide-spread problem. This extraordinary feature automatically flags existing newsletter and email subscribers. When readers click links from inside your emails or newsletters, they won’t get more annoying requests to sign up when they land on your website. Because PopupAlly recognizes them immediately and de-activates the popup so it doesn’t appear.

  • I get suspicious when I sign up for something and it goes to a different URL. What's up with that?

    PopupAlly stays on your Website: Compared to other ordinary popups, PopupAlly doesn’t bounce through another company’s website and display another company’s URL. This can be a big trust factor. When people see a different web site address, they immediately get suspicious. When this happens, establishing trust can be more difficult. Which means they may be less likely to do business with you. Or, at best, much slower to say yes, because there is less trust. PopupAlly runs on your website independently because once it’s installed it is part of your website.

  • Does PopupAlly work with mobile?

    Definitely! PopupAlly works on Apple mobile devices like iPhone & iPad. PopupAlly also works on Android devices, including smartphones and tablet computers. It’s the WordPress popup plugin responsive to mobile and different sized screens!

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