PopupAlly Plugin: What’s The Difference Between Free vs. Pro?

We’ve received a ton of emails about the difference between the free version of our PopupAlly plugin and the premium version. So here’s the side by side comparison of what you expect when you upgrade to Pro!


1. All New Templates

With PopupAlly (free version) you can use our default “out of the box” look that’s super easy to get started with… but with PopupAlly Pro you’ve got a generous quantity of new templates to choose from, and they’re all customizable like never before.

We’ve got some horizontal opt-in options, sidebar opt-ins, below-the-post opt-ins, as well as some new original ways to create a popup.

Want a round popup instead of the usual square ones? We got you covered. Want to have an image float outside of the popup for maximum design effect? You got it with PopupAlly Pro!

2. The Mini-Survey Choice template

One of our PopupAlly Pro features leverages the power of choice and micro-commitments. Instead of forcing someone to opt-in from your popup, why not ask if someone wants what you’re offering first?

Screenshot of PopupAlly Free plugin

With this special type of popup or embedded opt-in, you can get someone to say yes before you ask them to join your email list… thus ensuring they’re more likely to follow through on the next page or popup.

Many of the web’s top marketers are using this approach with great conversion results to show for it!

The free version of PopupAlly does not offer this feature.

3. Fully Customizable Design

One reason the free version of our WordPress popup plugin is so popular is the ability to customize the look and feel of your popups… there’s no need to stick to any pre-defined templates that can make your site look cookie-cutter or dated.

Well, we went even further with PopupAlly Pro. Now you have even more custom options: you control the whole layout, where images are placed, how many lines of text you want, and the position of the opt-in, too!

4. More Embedded Opt-in Options

With the latest version of PopupAlly Pro, you’ve got the ability to add beautifully designed opt-ins anywhere on your website. Quite literally, you dream it, and we’ll help you do it in 5 minutes or less.

You can have a floating or static opt-in bar the top of your website. The same goes for the bottom of your website, if you prefer.

Horizontal Opt-In
Horizontal Opt In

You can embed opt-ins in your sidebar, header, footer, inside blog posts or pages themselves, and within your theme anywhere you like. The possibilities are endless… and this functionality is there for one reason: because it helps you build your email list faster!

In the free version, you are limited to 2 opt-ins.

5. The Polite Difference – Smart Subscriber Recognition

One feature that no other popup plugin for WordPress or any other platform has is the ability to recognize existing customers and suppress future popups.

This is the PopupAlly Pro “polite difference” and it works like this: most popup plugins rely on cookies to stop future popups from showing up once someone joins your list.

But what happens if you’re going to the website on a new computer or from your phone? Most of the time people return to your website through a link in your newsletter … so you know they’re already subscribed.

PopupAlly Pro allows you to prevent future popups when someone clicks on a link from your newsletter. Easy, and non-intrusive to your most loyal fans!

6. You Decide Opt-In Boxes (First Name, Last Name, Email – one or all)

Want to increase conversions by only asking for an email address? PopupAlly Pro can do that.

Want more information about your visitors so you can customize future emails by asking for first and last name? PopupAlly Pro can do that, too.

Oh, and you can decide where you want these input boxes to appear, too!

With the free version of this plugin, we keep it simple: only 2 fields are available for you to merge with your email marketing system.

7. Any Font You Choose

Screenshot of font customization option.

One of my personal pet peeves when it comes to using third party tools to create visuals is the lack of font choices. Call me a font nerd, but if I can’t use the fonts I’ve got outlined in my brand guidelines… it makes me want to stop using a tool.

That’s why PopupAlly Pro allows you to use any web font you like! If you can get it from Google Fonts, Typekit, or embed it in your WordPress back-end… then PopupAlly Pro will let you use it to design beautiful and fully customize opt-ins and popups. Bam!

With the free version of the PopupAlly plugin, we chose a single, classic font for you to use.

8. Scroll and Click-Based Activation

With PopupAlly (free version) you have the choice to show a popup when someone arrives after a certain number of seconds, or right before someone leaves your site (exit intent).

You have the same options in the premium version, except you can also select to have a popup appear after someone has scrolling to a certain position on the page… or if they click to open a popup.

This click-based popup is probably my favorite: it lets your users decide when they want to opt-in, and you can make your calls to action a simple link on a page or an image. Using this two-step opt-in has also been shown to increase conversions, and it’s the more polite way to pop up.

9. Page Specific Opt-ins

Another new feature you won’t find in the free WordPress popup plugin is the ability to target different opt-ins on different pages of your website or blog.

Screenshot of where a popup will show up

Think about it for a second: if you show the same regular ole opt-in or popup on each page… people can become ad blind and it might not be what they’re looking for.

On the other hand, if you have different opt-ins or even just different opt-in headlines for each of your major blog post categories, you’ll get even more people to opt-in.

A quick example is if you have 2 types of blog posts: one focuses on recipes, and the other on fitness. Clearly people reading a post about recipes will respond better to an opt-in for more recipes, and someone reading about running might want more fitness tips.

You can do this type of specific marketing with PopupAlly Pro!

10. Top Shelf Support and Unlimited Updates for 1 Year

PopupAlly plugin review

One of the reasons that we have a 5 star rating on WordPress for our popup plugin is our support. Let’s face it: we care about our users, and Robin the main developer of PopupAlly himself is usually responding to support requests within 24 hours if not 60 minutes.

We’ve also incorporated new features and ideas within days of hearing about them from our PopupAlly Pro customers.

You just won’t find that kind of support or new development for most popup plugins out there!

11. All New Intuitive Interface

One key area we focused on with PopupAlly Pro is the new intuitive user experience. We want to make it really easy for you to design beautiful popups and opt-ins on your website, and we want it to be quick and efficient.

So you’ll notice that everything really flows from one screen to the next, and it’s pretty intuitive to set up new opt-ins in a flash.

That’s one of the things that many PopupAlly Pro customers have mentioned to us, and we’re glad to hear it… because we believe software should be easy and intuitive!

12. Popup & Opt-in Best Practice Training Video

With PopupAlly Pro, you’re not just buying a popup plugin that you’ll install and forget about. You also get top recommendations for increasing your list building efficiency.

Nathalie’s a list building pro and has put together supporting training videos, PDF guides, and tutorials to really help you make the most of your new list building tool.

You’ll learn what top marketers are doing to double their email lists using a combination of embedded opt-ins and popups.

That’s another thing that many customers have remarked: PopupAlly Pro comes with tons of supporting material, you’re not just left in the cold with a piece of software you don’t know how to implement.

13. Support For Multiple Languages – Rename All The Fields

Want to be able to show your popup in another language? You got it! With PopupAlly pro you can rename any of the fields, and change the text in the buttons to your heart’s content.

And that’s just the tip of this WordPress popup plugin iceberg… you can also change how quickly a popup appears, create unlimited opt-ins and unlimited popups on any number of personally owned websites, and ton of other great custom features are on the way, too!

We really appreciate that you’ve been enjoying PopupAlly and if you like the plugin, we know you’ll love PopupAlly Pro and get even more great benefits from it.

We’ve had a ton of happy customers tell us they wished they knew about PopupAlly Pro before they bought the other plugin software they’ve been using.

popups that work

If you’re ready to grab your copy of PopupAlly Pro, click here.

We’ll see you inside our members area!

Photo credit Alexander Tat.